Want to know how much money you should spend on rent? Use the rent to income calculator to calculate percentage of income that you you spending on rent each month. The recommended rent to income ratio is 1:3 meaning tenants should spend no more than 1/3 of their montly income on rent.
Rent to Income Ratio Calculator |
Annual Income |
% | Monthy Rent |
$ |
Rent to Income Ratio |
Calculate Income by Rent |
Monthly Rent |
$ | Income to Rent Ratio |
% |
Renter Monthly Income |
Renter Annual Income |
The rent to income chart shows how much you should spend on rent base on your monthly income assuming you are spending 1/3 of your income on rent.
Rent | Monthly Income |
$300 | $1,000 |
$330 | $1,100 |
$360 | $1,200 |
$390 | $1,300 |
$420 | $1,400 |
$450 | $1,500 |
$480 | $1,600 |
$510 | $1,700 |
$540 | $1,800 |
$570 | $1,900 |
$600 | $2,000 |
$630 | $2,100 |
$660 | $2,200 |
$690 | $2,300 |
$720 | $2,400 |
$750 | $2,500 |
$780 | $2,600 |
$810 | $2,700 |
$840 | $2,800 |
$870 | $2,900 |
$900 | $3,000 |
$930 | $3,100 |
$960 | $3,200 |
$990 | $3,300 |
$1,020 | $3,400 |
$1,050 | $3,500 |
$1,080 | $3,600 |
$1,110 | $3,700 |
$1,140 | $3,800 |
$1,170 | $3,900 |
$1,200 | $4,000 |
$1,230 | $4,100 |
$1,260 | $4,200 |
$1,290 | $4,300 |
$1,320 | $4,400 |
$1,350 | $4,500 |
$1,380 | $4,600 |
$1,410 | $4,700 |
$1,440 | $4,800 |
$1,470 | $4,900 |
$1,500 | $5,000 |
$1,530 | $5,100 |
$1,560 | $5,200 |
$1,590 | $5,300 |
$1,620 | $5,400 |
$1,650 | $5,500 |
$1,680 | $5,600 |
$1,710 | $5,700 |
$1,740 | $5,800 |
$1,770 | $5,900 |
$1,800 | $6,000 |
$1,830 | $6,100 |
$1,860 | $6,200 |
$1,890 | $6,300 |
$1,920 | $6,400 |
$1,950 | $6,500 |
$1,980 | $6,600 |
$2,010 | $6,700 |
$2,040 | $6,800 |
$2,070 | $6,900 |
$2,100 | $7,000 |
$2,130 | $7,100 |
$2,160 | $7,200 |
$2,190 | $7,300 |
$2,220 | $7,400 |
$2,250 | $7,500 |
$2,280 | $7,600 |
$2,310 | $7,700 |
$2,340 | $7,800 |
$2,370 | $7,900 |
$1,800 | $6,000 |
$1,950 | $6,500 |
$2,100 | $7,000 |
$2,250 | $7,500 |
$2,400 | $8,000 |
$2,550 | $8,500 |
$2,700 | $9,000 |
$2,850 | $9,500 |
$3,000 | $10,000 |
$3,150 | $10,500 |
$3,300 | $11,000 |
$3,450 | $11,500 |
$3,600 | $12,000 |
$3,750 | $12,500 |
$3,900 | $13,000 |
$4,050 | $13,500 |
$4,200 | $14,000 |
$4,350 | $14,500 |
$4,500 | $15,000 |
$4,650 | $15,500 |
$4,800 | $16,000 |
$4,950 | $16,500 |
$5,100 | $17,000 |
$5,250 | $17,500 |
$5,400 | $18,000 |
$5,550 | $18,500 |
$5,700 | $19,000 |
$5,850 | $19,500 |
$6,000 | $20,000 |
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